Learning Outcome 1

Learning Outcome #1:

When looking at both the first and final draft of my Significant writing project there is a major difference. I did a lot of revisions and my overall structure was completely different. This was the first essay that I had to ever revise. When I was in highschool, revisions were not as stressed as they are now in college. Revisions in high school usually consisted of a few comments that were written by our teacher. Then we would make those quick changes and hand it back in. I learned there is so much more to the word revision. I basically thought it was just spelling, grammer, punctuation, etc. but its titles, word choice structure and so much more. As the semester went on I learned more and more about revisions and that has helped me strengthen my writing abilities. One thing that I have seen a significant improvement was my thesis statements. I have always had trouble coming up with thesis statements that were attention grabbing and strong. This class also helped me with claim sentences and analyzing quotes as well. Now I know as I continue on my college path and into the work field I have these skills that I obtained to lead me in the right direction.